The enthusiasm I expressed for this storyline based on yesterday’s strip (3-30-06) is completely shot down by today’s lame-ass strip (3-31-06). What is it about continuity from one strip to the next that the Benders don’t understand?
Yesterday, we had Oop going all Conan on the Lemmians, ploughing into them with a fervor that one would expect from a hero of his caliber who has carried this comic strip since the beginning. But today, we see that he has been instantly transported into Guz’ cave and has been completely incapacitated by one guy and a bear hug. What the hell!?! And where is Oop’s axe??
Meanwhile, we see that King Guz is completely worthless, waking up from his slumber with a stupid look on his face. What is he supposed to be doing while the Lemmians are grabbing Oop and Tunk has his back turned on him? Cowering in a corner?? Was it too much to expect that he might put up a fight and at least try and defend his cave, if not his kingdom?
I’m so disgusted with today’s strip that I don’t even know where to begin. Oh, and my expectation that Queen Umpa might be a factor was apparently unfounded. She obviously doesn’t exist in the vacant minds of our story’s authors.